The Western Australian Performing Arts Eisteddfod has adopted for its constitution the prescribed model rules published in the Associations Incorporation Regulations 2015 by the Government of WA.


WAPAE Specifics for Model Rules

  1. The name of the Association is the:- West Australian Performing Arts Eisteddfod incorporating the City of Bunbury Eisteddfod Inc
  2. The objects of the Association are:-
    1. To promote the love, appreciation and advancement of the performing arts in the community by;
      • improving the confidence and skills of performing arts students
      • recognising and promoting talent in the performing arts
      • increasing community participation in the performing arts
      • operating as an effective business:
      • financially
      • organisationally / administratively
      • marketing/public relations
    2. To adopt any other object which may be considered appropriate by a three fourths (75%) majority of votes recorded in person at a General or Special Meeting of the Association.
  3. Any 6 members personally present (being members entitled to vote under these rules at a general meeting) will constitute a quorum for the conduct of business at a general meeting.
  4. Any 4 committee members constitute a quorum for the conduct of the business of a committee meeting.
  5. The association’s financial year will be the period of 12 months commencing on …1st July…..and ending on……30th June…… of each year.

Western Australia