How to enter the WAPA Eisteddfod!
1. Prior to Entering
Prior to entering, entrants must read the:
- SCHEDULE to identify the sections you wish to enter
- RULES & REGULATIONS to identify what is required for each section.
You will need the following to enter:
1. Names and birth dates of all people being entered
2. Sections (Name and number) to be entered into.
3. Titles and authors of songs/backing tracks to be performed
4. Length of performance
5. A digital music script or backing track as required for the section. (Please read the rules carefully).
6. A tech form if required for the section (further information and downloadable forms can be found under ”4. Tech Forms”).
Once you have read the links and collected the above to enter, you are now ready to enter the Eisteddfod!
The Eisteddfod uses a separate third-party system called STARDOM to manage entries. This is used by Eisteddfods across Australia. A link to the STARDOM log in page can be found on the previous page (2024 Eisteddfod).
You will need to create a LOGON with STARDOM to enter. You can do this by clicking on the ”Register for an Account” link at the top of the STARDOM log in page.
Note, If you had a LOGON last year, you should use the same LOGON this year.
3. Create New Entry
Once you have created a log on for STARDOM and successfully logged in to the system, click on the ”Create New Entry” heading. STARDOM will then guide you through the entrance process.
Entry limits To adhere with venue bookings, the Eisteddfod has a limited capacity of entries available for each discipline (piano, vocal, etc). Therefore, entries may be closed early if the available capacity for the discipline has been reached.
Late entries Late entries will not be accepted.
Modify Entry If you wish to change your entry, information and instructions can be found under (10. Modify Entry).
4. Performer Registration
All competitors in solos, duos, trios, quartets and dance troupes must complete a registration in STARDOM and pay the registration fee. Take note this can only be done after an entry has been created.
Registration fees are not required for Choirs, Bands, Orchestras, Ensembles, WACE sections, School Dance Groups or All Abilities.
To register:
– Log in to STARDOM.
– There is a heading within the Bunbury Eisteddfod 2024
called “Competitor Registration”. Click on that and follow the
prompts. You may register 1 or multiple performers at a time.
– The registration grants the competitor an entry pass to the auditorium to watch performances for the duration of the Eisteddfod.
– For dancers in a troupe the registration will be completed by the Dance School.
5. Music Scripts and Backing Tracks
Music scripts & backing tracks are uploaded into the STARDOM system. They may be uploaded at the time of entry or at any time after, up until the deadline for uploading.
Music & Backing tracks are due by the date shown on the dates page.
Music schools may send in physical copies of sheet music only with the prior agreement of the Eisteddfod president.
Additional links for Groups and Special Requirements
6. Tech Forms
Tech forms are required for:
- Any Speech and Drama that has recorded accompaniment
- Song and Dance
- Contemporary Vocal Ensembles
- Dance Production
- All Bands and Orchestras.
- All Just for Fun
If required please fill in and email Tech Forms to the Eisteddfod email address
7. Microphones, Amps, Pianos & Other Equipment.
The Eisteddfod provides some standard instruments and equipment for each discipline. If you would like to use this equipment, you will need to include it on the tech form. If you are unsure of what is available please read the list linked below.
8. Groups & Bands etc
When the group goes to the Eisteddfod to perform, they need to take a copy of the form below. All performers, teachers and assistants names are required, so we can record movements into and out of the green room (OSH requirements).
This form is required for all groups where the members are not required to pay registrations, that is Choirs, Bands, Orchestras, Ensembles, & School Dance Groups.
9. Dance
Additional Forms & Information for Dance
10. Modify Entry
Before entries close, the titles of songs can be changed, sheet music and backing tracks uploaded and payments can be made (if payment was not made at the time of initial entry)